Horse Photos by Annmari Daley 2020
PURPLE HAZE STANDARDBRED ADOPTION PROGRAM, INC. is a New York State Not-For-Profit Class "B" Corporation with Federal 501(c)3 tax exempt status. The organization is accredited by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries.
PHSAP has been formed to ensure that retired Standardbred horses find a second calling and profession. Many times owners and trainers send these horses to livestock auctions due to a lack of resources, farmland or funds necessary to maintain the retired horses. In some circumstances, the livestock auctions sell the horses on the open market and the retired "non-productive" horses frequently end up in the slaughterhouse in exchange for payment.
The PHSAP goals are as follows:
- Prevent animal slaughtering and offer a more humane alternative at the end of each horse's career.
- Rehabilitate and retrain Standardbred horses so they may find a place in the equestrian community.
- Supply educational and training services to those who adopt these horses.
- Increase the availability of education and information concerning Standardbred horse adoption and management.
- Provide educational opportunities to the community and surrounding area through an on-site center open to the public.
- Promote responsible horse ownership through education, community outreach, and assistance.